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Mon, 13 Nov




Antonio Spanò / Bélgica / 71 minutos / 2021 / Documental

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Time & Location

13 Nov 2023, 16:00

Arica, 7 de Junio, Arica, Arica y Parinacota, Chile

About the event

La República Democrática del Congo podría alimentar a casi 1 de cada 2 personas en la Tierra. Sin embargo, uno de cada seis congoleños sufre hambre. Ante esta paradoja, los campesinos se reagrupan en cooperativas agrícolas.


  • Arica Nativa General

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Arica Nativa is one of the main projects of Fundación Altiplano and is carried out thanks to the contribution of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage through the Support Program for Collaborating Cultural Organizations (PAOCC) and the Regional Government of Arica and Parinacota, together with its Regional Council, through the Diffusion Program Promotion of the Cultural Landscape of Arica and Parinacota: Festival Películas Nativas Arica Nativa, Code Bip 40046512-0

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